Mortgage Industry Trends

Are We a Lonely Group?

I came across an article that piqued my interest. It talked about the loneliness of today’s workers in an office environment. Not those who work on the road, remotely, or from home, but those who congregate each day at the office to perform their duties. Why would these people be so lonely when surrounded by all their counterparts? Maybe, because…

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Mortgage Data and Doc Processing

An IDEA Who’s Time Has Come

Everyone is familiar with Ford’s advertising campaign – “Quality is Job 1.” Lenders learned since the crash of 2008 that in mortgage lending loan quality and compliance is as important as is product and pricing. A poor quality loan can be as costly as one that is priced incorrectly, sometimes more. Here are some questions to consider regarding the quality…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Are You getting Ready For HMDA?

I recently spoke with Brian Honea of The MReport about how lenders might be affected by the upcoming HMDA changes. You can read my comments HERE. Take a look. The requirements to capture and report new data elements for HMDA may seem like a long way off, but funny how time files when you’re programming for changes. Think of TRID…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

Don’t Overlook the Obvious

For years, lenders were required to perform a quality control review of the loans they closed. Today, lenders need to perform both the post-closing QC review but must also conduct reviews on loans prior to the closing. These required pre and post-closing quality reviews present a great opportunity for lenders to identify potential problems, and they help to indicate where…

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