Mortgage Compliance

TRID: Let’s Re-Think This Thing

Everyone is well aware of the requirements of the new TRID rules and the related challenges in issuing the new forms, accurately and timely. There are some serious concerns in the Secondary Markets that minor issues, like fees not placed in the proper order, decimal places not carried out correctly, and/or misspellings on documents, along with missed timing of disclosure…

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Mortgage Compliance

It’s Not Only LO Comp Plans That May Cause You Trouble

In the past, we’ve heard and read about Lenders being fined and penalized for violations which relate to their LO compensation plan and/or for some method that they pay their loan originators. Based on recent DOJ settlements with FHA lenders, problems may also arise resulting from FHA Underwriter comp plans. In the case of Franklin American Mortgage, of Franklin, TN,…

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