It’s been five months since LoanLogics acquired LoanBeam, an announcement that has enabled LoanLogics to expand our portfolio of origination tools that ensure loan quality at the source. During this time, we’ve been busy working behind the scenes to integrate our teams, processes, and systems in support of the transition of two companies into one.
Part of that effort included fully incorporating LoanBeam solutions into the LoanLogics corporate website. Check out the new LoanBeam Income Calculation Technology solutions page and explore how LoanBeam Tax, Wage, and Transcripts can help you calculate income and get borrowers qualified more quickly. Then visit our Ecosystem of Integrated Services page that now includes more on LoanBeam Payments, a mortgage fee processing merchant services solution.
Need to get in touch with us? Our contact us page was also updated to reflect all office locations, as well as help desk & sales support resources for all our newly acquired solutions. Our resource library also now includes all new LoanBeam product brochures.
In parallel, the LoanBeam corporate website was officially retired late last month.

Going forward, no new content will be posted to the existing LoanBeam social media pages, but we encourage those followers to find us on LoanLogics’ Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and YouTube pages for ongoing updates on all LoanLogics products and our brand.

“New year, new me,” right!? Cosmetically, the LoanBeam logo was also updated to reflect the LoanLogics branding. We think it looks terrific in LoanLogics hues. Over the course of the next few months, the product platforms will also see this logo transition. “You’ve got mail,” too! Starting next week, you can now reach former LoanBeam employees using the email domain.
From a product perspective, we also announced the launch of LoanBeam Wage as LoanLogics’ latest innovation and shared news of additional Freddie Mac rep and warranty relief for LoanBeam Transcripts.
As you can tell, it’s been an exciting few months and we’re already preparing for more exciting developments with both LoanBeam solutions and LoanLogics as a whole.
If you would like to learn more about any LoanBeam solution, just complete our Product Introduction form and a LoanBeam product expert will get in touch with you. You can also participate in one of our weekly live demos. Register for one today!