Mortgage Industry Trends

Use Mortgage Technology to Face Today’s Challenges Head On

The mortgage industry is adjusting to drastic market changes.  Volume declines, macro global trends (i.e. war, supply chain) and the economy (i.e. inflation, rising rates) remain in our purview, adding to the uncertainty across industries.   To realign with current volumes and offset rising costs, many have turned to staff reduction, evidenced by a survey of lenders at a recent…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

Scenarios for Hybrid Loan Quality Control

Outsourcing quality control (QC) to a third-party audit service provider doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing approach. Some third-party providers offer flexible outsourcing options that allow a lender to manage portions of their own workload internally and outsource others. LoanLogics likes to call this type of workflow sharing “hybrid loan quality control,” or “hybrid QC.” This ability to bifurcate or…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

Why Some Lenders Choose to Outsource QC

For many small to mid-sized lenders the decision to insource vs outsource quality control (QC) tends to weigh heavily on resource capacity, skillset and cost. For over 15 years I’ve talked with hundreds of lenders about the reasons they choose one over the other and their answers may or may not surprise you. Many say they don’t have the expertise,…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

You Can’t Always Represent Yourself

They say that anyone who represents themselves in court has a fool for a client.  I am not calling any lender a fool. But, there are situations that require an expert in order to achieve the desired result. Even with all of the recent changes in the GSE Representation and Warranty framework and HUD’s Indemnification Policy, lenders still have uncertainty…

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