Mortgage Loan Quality

Mortgage Regtech is Signaling Change

In today’s mortgage industry, loan quality is best assured throughout the process, not after the fact. The reason the regtech solutions are taking off is because lenders are slowly realizing they need to tackle loan quality issues as they happen, from the point they begin gathering information to create a loan file through closing. The business risk of producing bad…

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Mortgage Loan Acquisition

Quality Feedback Strengthens Seller Relationships

In a prior post, we discussed how a frictionless transaction experience increases the likelihood a seller will return to do business with an investor.   Now, we turn our focus to the role investors can have helping sellers improve the quality of their loans, which will further strengthen the relationship and foster repeat business between the two parties. Most professionals welcome…

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Digital Commitment Desk Correspondent Lenders
Mortgage Loan Acquisition

The Digital Commitment Desk

Instead of a digital experience to manage the flow of data and decisions in situations like a negotiated trade transaction, many investors still rely too heavily on spreadsheets and phone calls. Often, this leaves both buyer and seller equally unsatisfied with the process and turn-time. Correspondent investors who bring together the 3 steps in the negotiation process through a digital…

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Mortgage Loan Acquisition

4 Customer Experiences Correspondent Lenders Can Glean from Retail Lending

Retail lenders and industry vendors alike will tell you they are investing in improving the customer experience to capture and retain new business. A result of a competitive market, choosing which lender to go with has become less about price and more about the experience borrowers have engaging with a lender’s brand. To deliver, retail lenders are focused on: Online…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

A Look into a Non-Prime, Private Label MBS

The market has been mostly void of private label securities; securities that are not backed by Fannie, Freddie or Ginnie. There are some of these securities being created like the one recently done by Angel Oak of Atlanta. Angel Oak, having previously issued non-rated, mortgage-backed securities, is issuing its first rated transaction. A pool comprised of 529 non-QM loans valued…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

TRID Indems Anyone?

Maybe secondary market investors and correspondent lenders can take a page out of Fannie’s and Freddie’s rep and warrants book. These agencies are not delaying the purchase, holding up funding or denying the purchase of loans originated and closed under the new TRID rules. They buy the loans originated by lenders for sale and delivery to them; either whole loan…

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