Mortgage Compliance, Mortgage Loan Quality

Avoid the Year-End Mortgage Compliance Scramble

In the mortgage industry, compliance is a day in, day out task that like everything else is affected by business conditions. This is particularly true in a year like 2020 that tested business continuity plans, affected staffing, and redirected much of our attention away from managing the normal ebbs and flows of business to juggling the latest hot potato. (Many…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

Mortgage Loan Quality Benchmarks for Your Team

The most effective loan quality technology should create transparency and consistently track quality metrics across the team and the business.  Automation plays a critical role in creating purified data, taking on the brunt of audit tasks, facilitating auditor workflows and focusing staff on managing system identified exceptions.  Accurate centralized reporting is also a key benefit and critical for establishing and…

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Mortgage Data and Doc Processing

Practical Applications for Machine Learning, Today and Beyond

LoanLogics is often asked for specific examples of where machine learning can make impact along the mortgage value chain and of course, as a regtech provider, we have found practical application in loan quality management.     Early application of machine learning technologies are being used for the creation of verified, validated data (or what we’ve termed “purified data”), that powers…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

Tackling TRID Tolerance Violations and Investor HMDA Data Scrutiny

As I work with lenders to solve for the alphabet soup of compliance, TRID and HMDA specifically, I consistently receive questions around the latest rumblings popping up in the news. Recently I’ve been asked about tolerance violations related to the loan estimate (LE) and closing disclosure, as well as increased investor scrutiny on seller HMDA data.  I addressed those questions…

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