Mortgage Industry Trends

Did Trump Do Something Right?

Based on what we hear from the news media, it seems that President Trump just can’t do anything right. No matter what the situation or decision, it’s reported that he gets it all wrong. Turns out that maybe one of his first decisions after taking office was a good one. He suspended the outgoing administration’s move to further lower the…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

It’s the Economy, Stupid!

To borrow a slight variation of a phrase used by James Carville, campaign strategist to President Bill Clinton, the economy is dictating what is happening in the housing markets and homeownership rates. Recent studies by the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank in Washington, DC, found that the American Dream of homeownership may be slipping away. Today, we have…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

MBA Continues to Fight For the Industry

The Mortgage Bankers Association, along with several of the mortgage industry’s largest trade groups, continue on their quest to make things better for consumers and mortgage lenders. MBA, along with the others, are seeking a meeting with the new Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to discuss issues related to enforcement actions against lenders under the False Claims Act. These discussions would…

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