Mortgage Servicing Rights

The Lending Buzz: LoanLogics Talks MSR Transfer Technology on an Industry Podcast

It’s been an exciting three months since we launched LoanLogics IDEA™ for MSR Transfer, a new solution that automates document processing and data extraction for mortgage servicers and banks when acquiring mortgage servicing rights (MSR).  Since then, we have been busy bringing on new clients to help minimize some of their operational challenges managing the receipt of data and documents…

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Mortgage Data and Doc Processing

Practical Applications for Machine Learning, Today and Beyond

LoanLogics is often asked for specific examples of where machine learning can make impact along the mortgage value chain and of course, as a regtech provider, we have found practical application in loan quality management.     Early application of machine learning technologies are being used for the creation of verified, validated data (or what we’ve termed “purified data”), that powers…

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Mortgage Data and Doc Processing

Boiling Down the Alphabet Soup of Intelligent Technologies

AI, ML, ADR, ADE, OCR.…with all these acronyms even the most tech savvy lenders need a little help boiling down the alphabet soup of technologies swirling around the mortgage industry these days.  Before you can truly understand how these intelligent solutions are solving the challenges in mortgage data and document processing, it’s important to understand the basics.  As such, we’ve…

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Mortgage Data and Doc Processing

Four Common Sources of Doc Processing Errors and How to Overcome Them

Today’s data and doc processing solutions have evolved beyond simplistic OCR solutions to include new machine learning and searching technologies. These new, state of the art technologies, significantly expand the number of documents that can be classified and read, as well as greatly increase the number of data elements that can be extracted using automation.  Machine learning, sophisticated data extraction…

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Mortgage Loan Acquisition

Reduce Risk in Loan Acquisition with the Loan Facts

Few would argue closed loan acquisition is complex. Managing risk against faster turn-times, while trying to maintain relationships with sellers surely keeps many of correspondent investors awake at night.  Go too fast, increase your risk. Go too slow, stress margins and ultimately lose sellers. How can correspondent investors minimize portfolio risk while going for speed? By bringing intelligent, automated data…

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