Mortgage Servicing Rights

Experience is the Cornerstone for Opportunity

Back in August, LoanLogics announced it was the technology provider behind the Freddie Automated Servicing Transfer (FASTSM) tool, helping Freddie Mac streamline its Cash-Released XChangeSM program.  LoanLogics is also set to provide technology enhancements in support of Freddie Mac’s Co-Issue XChangeSM with the same technology. This was a proud moment for the company, given all the hard work our teams…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Trick or Treat: Don’t Be Fooled by these AI and Machine Learning Urban Legends

A lot has been said about machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) regarding the sweet rewards they will bring to the mortgage industry but understanding the potential can be tricky to navigate. Before we get into dispelling the tricks or treats of some popular urban legends, here are a few quick definitions of AI and machine learning for context. AI…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

Mortgage Regtech is Signaling Change

In today’s mortgage industry, loan quality is best assured throughout the process, not after the fact. The reason the regtech solutions are taking off is because lenders are slowly realizing they need to tackle loan quality issues as they happen, from the point they begin gathering information to create a loan file through closing. The business risk of producing bad…

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Mortgage Data and Doc Processing

Four Common Sources of Doc Processing Errors and How to Overcome Them

Today’s data and doc processing solutions have evolved beyond simplistic OCR solutions to include new machine learning and searching technologies. These new, state of the art technologies, significantly expand the number of documents that can be classified and read, as well as greatly increase the number of data elements that can be extracted using automation.  Machine learning, sophisticated data extraction…

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