Mortgage Compliance

Some Impacts for Mortgage Lenders in HUD’s FY 2017 Budget Proposal

HUD recently announced the specific details of its proposed Fiscal Year 2017 Budget. This is part of the President’s overall Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Plan that was just submitted to Congress. In reviewing HUD’s proposed 2017 Budget, there are some items that will be of particular interest to mortgage lenders.  Some examples are as follows: HUD is requesting from Congress…

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Whistle Blower DOJ
Mortgage Compliance

Lessons to be Learned

An ongoing court case in Ohio, dealing with a claim of wrongful termination, offers some insights into a couple of important lessons a lender may learn. A processor working for Lenders Processing Services, Inc., (LPS) reported what she believed to be contract violations on how LPS is handling loans for JP Morgan Chase. Subsequently, she was fired for other reasons…

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