Mortgage Loan Quality

In Search of Defect Clarity

In the interests of time, expense and competition, FHA and Private MI companies offered lenders a delegated process for loan insuring. This was great for everyone until the spit hit the fan in 2007. All of a sudden, these loan insurers were carefully reviewing every detail of each defaulted loan to identify any possibility of a lender’s failure to strictly…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Will Technology Replace the Mortgage Originator?

Most believe that the mortgage originator will always be a required component due to the complexities of a mortgage loan process. (Originators) Although technology can help to acquire and process information, many consumers still want someone available to walk them through the process, available, when needed, to answer questions and provide guidance. Many believe, for this reason alone, the originator…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Another Opinion on Future Rate Hikes

As Jimmy Durante used to say, “Everybody wants to get into act.” Lately, it seems like everyone has an opinion on the Fed’s rate outlook. Rising, steady, who knows! This time, it’s former Fed Chair, Alan Greenspan. When Mr. Greenspan talks about the economy and setting the Fed rates, most people listen. This time, he says rates are due to…

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Mortgage Loan Acquisition

How is Loan Hedging like Sound Mixing?

How intimidating is the world of pipeline hedging?  Have you ever stood before an audio mixing console in wonderment? The world of audio and hedge systems are related more than you may think. Mortgage originators want to price loans in such a way to make a profit margin.  Pipeline risk managers endeavor to keep most of the margin with little…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Communicate, Educate, Translate, Originate

I’ve read recent articles and blogs that run the gambit from historic low rates, a recovering housing market, refi’s are up, refi’s are down, decreasing purchase loan applications, less affordable housing, and tighter credit standards. One week the markets look great, the next everything’s going in the wrong direction. Is the economy growing, shrinking or stagnant? Do we have more…

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