Mortgage Loan Quality

Are You Just a Defect Monitor?

You’ve probably seen the commercials on TV with a bank security guard or a guy looking like a dentist, where they say they are just a ‘monitor’ but don’t do anything about what they find. It’s funny for a commercial, but not so funny to the bank or the patient needing dental work. Today, with so much emphasis placed on…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

There’s No Safe Harbor for Fraud

Fannie and Freddie previously announced programs for lenders to obtain some relief from their reps and warrants for quality loans. Fannie recently expanded such access to relief under their new Day 1 Certainty program. (D1C) Under D1C, a lender may get complete relief from the normal required reps and warrants associated with employment, income, and/or asset information/documentation. There are some…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Unsettled Pattern is the Forecast for Mortgage Originations

It seems like forecasting the level of new loan mortgage originations is getting like forecasting the weather. There are a number of pretty good indicators. But, things keep changing which makes it difficult to get it just right. Initially, the outlook was for rising interest rates, declining refi’s, and a bullish new purchase market. Fannie had predicted that 2017 would…

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