Mortgage Compliance

Protect Your Day 1 Certainty Relief

By now you’ve probably heard of Fannie Mae’s Day 1 Certainty Program to earn relief from certain origination reps and warranties. I hope so because it’s a good program for lenders to get a little relief when they produce quality loans. A lender, using a Fannie authorized third party verification company, can get complete relief from the reps and warranties…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Vetting Your Vendors

As you may know, LoanLogics (the company I work for) is a vendor to the mortgage industry. We provide technology, technology platforms, and reporting, to lenders for quality and risk management, MERS reviews, correspondent lending, portfolio monitoring and much more. You can view all our services at our website. As a service provider we are required by our clients, under…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Funny How Time Slips Away

It’s an old song, sung by performers like Elvis, Willie Nelson, and Al Green. They talk about what goes around, comes around, and sooner or later “you’re gonna pay” in love and in life. Things ain’t so different in business. If you do right by your customers, then they’ll do right by you. If you cut corners, look for shortcuts,…

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Mortgage Compliance

Is there a CLEARR CHOICE for Dodd-Frank Reform?

Recently, Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, announced that his Committee will hold new hearings to discuss the provision of the amended CHOICE (Creating Hope and Opportunity for Investors, Consumers, and Entrepreneurs). You can’t make this stuff up! The new version, known as CHOICE 2.0 is intended to replace the controversial Dodd-Frank Act and reshape…

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