The topic of the June Fannie Mae Quality Insider article discussed the significance of strong loan quality control (QC) reporting and nine common gaps the agency finds in its sellers’ QC plans. The stronger and more robust that your reporting tools are, the deeper your loan quality insights are. If you’re evaluating a new QC solution or audit service provider, the…
How LoanLogics Handles Hybrid Work
LoanLogics’ EVP of Administration and Business Operations, Lauren Pilon, recently spoke to Mortgage Women Magazine on the topic of hybrid work in the article, “Finding Balance in Hybrid Work Environment.” She and other mortgage industry executives shared their perspectives on whether leadership and growth require an in-person connection to staff, or if technology can help to improve personal communications and…
A LoanLogics Look into Mortgage Reverification Trends
At LoanLogics we’ve been talking a lot about the latest mortgage industry trends with the hopes that it pushes the industry to do something different this year to effectively deal with them. As the reverification manager for the company, I too see and experience the impact of distinct trends during Pre-Funding, Pre-Closing, Post-Closing, Early Payment Default (EPD) etc, reviews in…
LoanLogics Quarterly Crossword Puzzle
It was a short work week this week with the 4th of July holiday. And, from the looks of all the out-of-office notices, it appears many got the opportunity to spend some extended time away from work. As such, we hope all our clients, partners, and associates were able to recharge their batteries over the long weekend and/or week and…
4 Things Through 4th Quarter 2022
We are about to celebrate the 4th of July, which is the proverbial halfway point through the year. As we come back recharged from a long holiday weekend, it got our team thinking about all the exciting things the company has to look forward to for the remainder of the year. As such and given our enthusiasm about it all,…
How to Attain Accurate HMDA Reporting
Late last year it was reported that the CFPB pumped up the number of enforcement attorneys on staff by double digits, ten percent. As typically happens with a new presidential administration, there’s been a new attitude in Washington toward the housing market. And there’s been no shortage of their presence since the change of guard. Last week, the CFPB…