Mortgage Loan Production, News & Happenings at LoanLogics

Meet LoanLogics’ 2022 HousingWire Insider

Last week it was announced that LoanLogics’ Head of Mortgage Automation Technology, Roby Robertson, was part of an esteemed class of 2022 HousingWire Insider Award winners. The award recognizes the “industry professionals who are essential to the performance and success of their organizations but may be lesser known to those on the outside. These industry pros are the engines that keep…

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A New Wrinkle for Mortgage Quality Control
Mortgage Data and Doc Processing, Mortgage Industry Trends

Navigating Today’s Mortgage Trends with Technology: Part 2

Navigating 2022 mortgage trends with the right balance of technology is critical for success. In my last post on August 11th, I recapped and expanded my comments on several questions originally posed by MReport on that very timely topic, in the July feature article “Mortgage Tech Update, Part 1 and Part 2.” The questions, “What can the industry expect next in terms…

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News & Happenings at LoanLogics

LoanLogics Associates Doing Good

Welcome to a new LoanLogics blog series featuring LoanLogics associates doing good. Our first installment of this quarterly feature, profiles Charla DeVoe who’s been with the company for seven years! Early last year, she was featured in a Q&A with some of our leading ladies on their career in technology.   Doing Good As a technology project manager, Charla, is…

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A New Wrinkle for Mortgage Quality Control
Mortgage Industry Trends, Mortgage Loan Acquisition, Mortgage Servicing Rights

Navigating Today’s Mortgage Trends with Technology

Earlier this month, I spoke with MReport about the balancing act our industry is performing to keep up with internal and external pressures in the two-part series titled, “Mortgage Tech Update, Part 1 and Part 2.” Given we are midway through 2022 and still adjusting to changing mortgage market trends and the role of technology top of mind for many,…

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