Mortgage Loan Acquisition, Mortgage Loan Quality

4 Steps To Bust Your Implementation Log Jam

Implementing new processes, policies, and software can be a challenge for any organization.  Sometimes, two systems struggle to communicate with one another.  Other times, key individuals may find it difficult to adopt the newly introduced element. Here at LoanLogics, we see these challenges every day as companies endeavor to start up our systems and, as a result, reconsider their policies…

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Digital Commitment Desk Correspondent Lenders
Mortgage Loan Acquisition

The Digital Commitment Desk

Instead of a digital experience to manage the flow of data and decisions in situations like a negotiated trade transaction, many investors still rely too heavily on spreadsheets and phone calls. Often, this leaves both buyer and seller equally unsatisfied with the process and turn-time. Correspondent investors who bring together the 3 steps in the negotiation process through a digital…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

Red Flags on Paystubs and Undisclosed Self-Employment Can Point To Fraud

The presence of one or more red flags is not necessarily indicative of fraudulent intent, but it does point out the need for additional review. Red flags must be documented in the loan file, including red flags identified through various underwriting engines like Fannie Mae (DU), Freddie Mac (LPA).   The following are just some examples of red flags related…

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TOTAL + Due Diligence Together

FHA guidelines state that their recommendation is not an absolute approval as “The Mortgagee may not accept or deny an FHA-insured Mortgage based solely on a risk assessment generated by TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard.” There still needs to be a determination that the borrower has the ability to repay the debt. One of the areas left up to underwriters, regarding FHA…

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Mortgage Data and Doc Processing

The Right Tool For the Right Job

Who hasn’t experienced this situation? You go to assemble a piece of furniture armed with a dozen screwdrivers, wrenches and hammers and you discover the job requires the one Allen wrench size you do not own! What does this have to do with technology and the mortgage industry? Imagine the same situation when it comes to solving tough questions concerning…

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Mortgage Loan Acquisition

4 Customer Experiences Correspondent Lenders Can Glean from Retail Lending

Retail lenders and industry vendors alike will tell you they are investing in improving the customer experience to capture and retain new business. A result of a competitive market, choosing which lender to go with has become less about price and more about the experience borrowers have engaging with a lender’s brand. To deliver, retail lenders are focused on: Online…

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