It’s 2020 and we are back with our first post of the year. As you can see new decade, new visually appealing user interface for blogics! Thanks for your readership in 2019. We packed a lot of content into the year, particularly in the second half, as our subject matter experts were energized to share insights with our growing audience. …
Why Some Lenders Choose to Outsource QC
For many small to mid-sized lenders the decision to insource vs outsource quality control (QC) tends to weigh heavily on resource capacity, skillset and cost. For over 15 years I’ve talked with hundreds of lenders about the reasons they choose one over the other and their answers may or may not surprise you. Many say they don’t have the expertise,…
Practical Applications for Machine Learning, Today and Beyond
LoanLogics is often asked for specific examples of where machine learning can make impact along the mortgage value chain and of course, as a regtech provider, we have found practical application in loan quality management. Early application of machine learning technologies are being used for the creation of verified, validated data (or what we’ve termed “purified data”), that powers…
“It Takes Two” to Make an Audit Go Right
Remember the song, “It Takes Two” by Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock? This late 1980’s classic carries the hook, “It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it outta sight.” I heard this song recently and thought about the work I do As the leader of LoanLogics’ audit service delivery team, and as…
Three Loan Quality Reports to Be Thankful For
Real-time, customizable reporting is of course is every quality control (QC) managers dream. A click here, a drag and a drop there, and at your fingertips is a unique picture of your loan quality performance ready to share with the business. Even with so many options in on-demand reporting, we still have our favorites that every QC manager should take…
Boiling Down the Alphabet Soup of Intelligent Technologies
AI, ML, ADR, ADE, OCR.…with all these acronyms even the most tech savvy lenders need a little help boiling down the alphabet soup of technologies swirling around the mortgage industry these days. Before you can truly understand how these intelligent solutions are solving the challenges in mortgage data and document processing, it’s important to understand the basics. As such, we’ve…