Mortgage Compliance

URLA Updates, The Top Things for Lenders to Know

It’s been a little over six months since LoanLogics last shared some insight on the upcoming redesign of the GSE uniform residential loan application (URLA) here on blogics.  With effective date now slated for November 1, 2020 (see URLA Implementation timeline changed below**), it’s a good time to discuss the change further: Changes being made to the form Things lenders…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

Hey Boomer, Tell Us About Loan Quality Audits on a Local Area Network

Remember the days of Local Area Networks (LANs) when computer systems were linked through hardwired telecommunication within a single building or one nearby? Those were novel times back then. Remember loan quality control in those days? As a Boomer, I do and it’s the topic of our second installment of our “Hey Boomer” blog series. Before LAN usage, which dramatically…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

ICYMI: LoanLogics CEO Shares 2020 Insight in the News

In case you missed it (ICYMI) at the tail end of 2019, LoanLogics CEO, Bill Neville, provided commentary to Rob Chrisman, widely read industry commentator and veteran, about the 2020 outlook for the mortgage industry.  And just this month Bill did a detailed Q&A with the popular MBA Newslink® expanding that conversation even further.     The main message throughout both…

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Mortgage Loan Quality

There’s an “App” for That

It’s been nearly twelve years since the first iPhone® app was released.  With a reported 2.2 million available apps and 130 billion downloads from the Apple® App Store* it’s safe to say that the phrase “There’s an app for that!” has taken a strong hold in our collective vernacular. The original use case of mobile apps, according to Wikipedia, was…

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