Two Sides to every story
Mortgage Industry Trends

Two Sides to a Story

As is usually the case, there are two sides to a story (sometimes three). Yesterday, we heard about a potential increase in home buyers resulting from renters jumping into the market. Today, we get the other side of the story. Builder confidence is at its lowest levels in quite some time as low rates and an improving economy are not…

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Renters to Home owners
Mortgage Industry Trends

Wave of New Home Buyers

Here’s some good news for a change. According to Zillow, in 2015 we should see a wave of new homebuyers coming from the ranks of current renters (Renters). As more and more people are renting, for one reason or another, two things have happened. There are fewer affordable rental units and the rents for those units is rising; the rule…

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LoanLogics MBA-NJ Party

Mortgage Bankers Rock On

I just attended the 32nd Annual Regional Conference of MBAs in Atlantic City, NJ and it seems things may be looking up for lending in the next few years. The residential conference opened with an uplifting performance by

Remember the Appraiser

Don’t forget about the Appraiser!

Processing a Loan Application with an Amended Agreement of Sale? Don’t forget about the Appraiser! In Circular Letter 26-14-29, the VA issued instructions to lenders relative to their responsibility in providing a copy of the Agreement of Sale on a purchase transaction to the assigned appraiser at the time of the appraisal assignment.  In this regard, appraisers are required to…

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Grow Your Own LO's
Mortgage Industry Trends

Where Have All the LOs Gone?

I believe the biggest challenge facing lenders today is not complying with the upcoming TRID changes or anything in the regulatory area, but how and by whom they originate business in the future. We are an industry dominated by production, with a constant drive for more and more business. Look at job boards and postings and you’ll find the vast…

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All Systems Go LoanLogics
Mortgage Compliance

All Systems Go

  Prior to running down to the Annual Regional Conference of Mortgage Bankers Associations in Atlantic City, I was checking today’s industry headlines. Let’s see, we have articles about: The increased cost to buyers with FHA financing FHA Costs) Supreme Court’s Ruling on OT for LOs (LOOT) Consumers now think it is easier to get a mortgage (Consumers) US unrealistic…

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