Mortgage Compliance, Mortgage Loan Quality

3 Must Have Loan Quality Tools to Ready for GSE Audits

It never fails. You are in the middle of managing a large enterprise-wide project, tech implementation perhaps, or just juggling unforeseen volume and one of the government sponsored entities’ (GSE) ‘comes a knockin’. Many lament that it is bad timing, but in the mortgage industry is there ever a good time? We all saw how the industry was scrambling in…

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Mortgage Data and Doc Processing

Gain Confidence in Mortgage Doc Processing

Launched in April 2020, LoanLogics IDEA™ OnDemand, was designed to improve the speed, accuracy, and affordability of in-line mortgage doc processing. At the time of launch and ever still so, this digital assistant plays an important role cutting through the immense industry volume by using automation, not people, to classify documents and extract data.  All in real-time! One of the…

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Mortgage Compliance

MERS® Compliance Health Monitor – Keeping The Pulse

If you completed your annual independent 3rd party MERS review in 20 minutes or less, you did it wrong and are jeopardizing your organization’s compliance health. Less thorough reviews, likely performed by vendors who have not demonstrated an aptitude for procedural and process expertise, lead to a breakdown in overall operational compliance wellness. Have you heard? MERS is instituting a…

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Mortgage Servicing Rights

New Automated, Standardized Doc Processing Streamlines MSR Transfer

Late last fall, in a National Mortgage News webinar, and earlier this year in a LoanLogics podcast series, we began loudly voicing the need to remove the friction present in the transfer of mortgage servicing rights between buyer and seller counterparties (as well as in the wholesale and correspondent channels). Buyer pain points in this acquisition space can be summarized…

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