Good News from the Harris Report
Mortgage Compliance

More Good News from the GSE’s!

As previously reported, in an Announcement dated May 29, 2015, Freddie Mac has stated that beginning June 1, 2015 the use of Loan Prospector will be free for all new loan submissions.  Loan Prospector is Freddie Mac’s automated underwriting system which provides feedback to lenders on loan eligibility as well as minimum documentation requirements for underwriting the loan transaction. Not…

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Disparate Impact Supreme Court Ruling
Mortgage Compliance

The Disparate Impact of the Disparate Impact Ruling

By now, you’ve probably heard of the other decision recently handed down by the US Supreme Court. The Court ruled the theory of “disparate impact” may be applied under the Fair Housing Act in determining potential fair lending violations. What is “disparate Impact”? It’s the adverse effect of a practice or standard that is neutral and non-discriminatory in its intention…

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Mortgage Compliance

Six T’s – The Recipe for Serving up TRID

With the recent TRID rule extension, lenders and service providers have a few more weeks to finalize their plans and preparations to service customers under the new rules. Each service provider, lender, realtor and closer, has different areas and responsibilities to address but all need to work together to achieve success (Tips). The big day is not all that far…

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HUD FHA No Defects
Mortgage Compliance

FHA to Implement a New Loan Quality Assessment Methodology

What this means to Mortgage Lenders! In a June 18, 2015 News Release, HUD/FHA announced that it has further refined its risk management processes and has created a new “Defect Taxonomy”.  The framework for this revised taxonomy centers on three core concepts: Identifying a defect Capturing sources and causes of a defect Assessing severity of a defect Just what does…

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J.Ronald Terwilliger Foundation for Housing America’s Families
Mortgage Industry Trends

Housing Policy to Get Some Attention

I know all the talk surrounds the CFPB announcement to postpone TRID implementation until October. That’s a good thing as it will allow many lenders and service providers more opportunity to finalize and hone their systems. Some good news for a change! More good news is that a new organization, created as an advocate for better housing policy, the J.…

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