Welcome to Cloud Coverage, a new series of blog posts that will explore everything you need to know about to cloud technology in the context of mortgage lending. This is the first installment. Stay tuned for future insights.
Cloud-native is a bit of an emerging term in the mortgage industry, while “in the cloud” or “cloud-enabled” are more familiar software deployment strategies. This is particularly true for line of business managers outside of IT. As business cloud strategies continue to evolve, cloud-enabled software is understood to be part of the larger eco-system that make up a cloud strategy. Cloud enabled software is a powerful first step to developing a complete and thorough strategy leading to cloud-native applications. While cloud-enabled software does not make full use of cloud capabilities in the same way that cloud-native does, it is still a significant step forward for organizations who wish to leverage powerful cloud technology.
Generally, being cloud-enabled means legacy applications have moved servers and databases to a web services provider who hosts them in the cloud rather than in a physical data center. This process is often referred to as a “lift and shift” of IT infrastructure.
Applications that are cloud-native take advantage of cloud computing delivery methods and design principals to ensure horizontal scalability, high availability, security and high levels of automation.
Maximum scalability is achieved through reusable microservices that can be independently updated and shared to speed deployment and optimize system response. Cost and management of physical hardware is eliminated by using infrastructure as code.

Let’s explore the advantages of software deployment in a cloud-native environment.
Nimble Development
Application development in a virtualized, serverless environment drives a faster overall return on investment for those developing applications as well as for those using them. New environments, for things like QA testing, can be easily spun up using software alone for continuity from testing through deployment and faster delivery of new capabilities to end users. Compute power is also “right-sized” so new services being deployed do not degrade the user experience.
Increased user productivity is enabled by tools that create a rich, modern interface design and flexible integration layers (APIs) allow additional value to be extended across your technology stack. Using an open source framework creates a pathway to easily deploy new functionality and enrich application capabilities.
Persistent Databases
Secure enterprise class database technology adds a strong layer of data protection. It also provides first class data replication and disaster recovery features.
Secure Authentication
Cloud-native applications allow developers to separate identity management from the core application, which then allows developers to take advantage of best-in-class security tools offered by their cloud service provider, Additional benefits include the use of single sign on (SSO) and simplified, yet secure password/user management.
Scalable, Available Performance & Messaging
Highly efficient load balancing distributes workload across multiple user instances and application modules using HTTPS secure communications for consistent application availability. Search responsiveness and a sophisticated message bus for real-time monitoring and delivery of notifications not only optimizes user productivity, but improves user efficiency as well.
LoanLogics built the IDEA™ OnDemand platform, our latest doc processing innovation, cloud-native to take advantage of all these benefits. With it we hope to raise the bar on mortgage industry standards for Infrastructure.
Learn more about LoanLogics® IDEA™ OnDemand and it’s cloud-native benefits download this infographic. You can also learn more on our website or in this blog post.