When the house you love starts to show worn flooring, loved appliances and outdated fixtures it’s time to renovate. Most of us don’t have the budget to renovate the entire house. Nor do we have the capacity to do it all at once. Neither living with mom or in a construction zone is ideal. That’s why so many of us…
Category: Mortgage Loan Quality
Part 2: Approaches to Ensuring Loan Quality to Minimize Repurchase Risk
Welcome back to part two of our recap covering LoanLogics’ participation in the 2021 RMQA panel discussion*, “Approaches to Ensuring Loan Quality to Minimize Repurchase Risk”, the title of this post. When we left off in our last post, we discussed how defects and repurchases are on the rise, further snowballing from a shift to a purchase market, skills and…
Part 1: Approaches to Ensuring Loan Quality to Minimize Repurchase Risk
Last week the 2021 Risk Management and Quality Assurance (RMQA) Forum took place virtually, over the course of two content-packed days. LoanLogics Director of Transaction and Commerce Automation Solutions was one of the event’s speakers. He and a team of fellow industry colleagues* held a panel discussion on maintaining loan quality and how to avoid future repurchases amidst a pandemic…
Check Baby, Check Baby (Your Audit Service Provider) It’s (Easy As) 1, 2, 3
In between the vendor due diligence support I manage for LoanLogics, I’m doing demos of our solutions to prospective clients on the regular. During those discussions, one of the features I’m always keen on pointing out, particularly to those looking for outsourced QC services, is the Audit the Auditor module in our loan quality management platform, LoanHD®. Audit the Auditor…
The Mortgage Industry’s Relationship Between Human and Machine
The working relationship between humans and technology has achieved great heights in so many aspects of our lives. Personally, professionally, economically, even environmentally, the fluid ways we tackle tasks with technology are endless. Just ask Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and Elon Musk who have made “consumer” space travel a reality by engineering their own spacecraft to get them there. The…
Why Action Plans Are Critical to Effective Quality Control Plans
I have been in the mortgage industry for nearly three decades. Those who don’t know me might be surprised to know I developed some of the industry’s first quality control (QC) technology. Those that do know me, know it’s in my blood. And so, with confidence I can say that no good quality control plan is complete without a written…