Recycling Refinancing FHA Loans
Mortgage Compliance

FHA: Premium Reduction = Loan Production

Reports show that FHA loan production has picked up since enacting their annual premium reduction. This suggests that more people are taking FHA-insured loans to finance their homes (FHA Production). FHA endorsed 102,800 loans in May. A big jump over the 66,300 loans they endorsed in January. Why the jump? A big contributor is obviously the premium reduction. But, did…

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Decline in Mortgage Underwriting Production
Mortgage Compliance

Underwriter Productivity Declines

As if you didn’t already know, a recent report (and chart) issued by MBA indicates that Underwriter productivity has been on the decline over the past ten years (UW Productivity). On average, for the larger lenders the number of loans reviewed per underwriter per month decreased from about 165 to 33; that’s a decrease daily from  approximately  8 down to…

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