Mortgage Compliance

FHA Announces Amended Policy for Student Loans

The good news is that FHA has amended their policy, which I outlined in an August 2015 blog post. That post, was about the GSE’s underwriting policy with respect to borrowers with outstanding student loan debt and highlighted the proposed HUD/FHA new policy (upon implementation of Handbook 4000.1). The policy in August required lenders to calculate a monthly payment for…

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Mortgage Compliance

Don’t Sidestep The Law

Seems people are always looking for shortcuts. Ways to get where they’re going more quickly or make what they need to do much easier. I’ve found that in all too many instances when looking for, and taking, these shortcuts it leads to more trouble than its worth, and it takes more time and effort to get where you want to…

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Mortgage Compliance

Last Chance for Lenders to Register and get Onboarded

HUD/FHA’s Electronic Appraisal Delivery (EAD) Portal Deadline Approaching The HUD/FHA Electronic Appraisal Delivery (EAD) portal will become mandatory for use by all mortgagees on June 27, 2016.  In order to prevent huge disruptions in their FHA loan origination pipeline, “lenders are encouraged to get registered for onboarding to the EAD portal before the effective date”, was the word from HUD…

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Mortgage Compliance

HUD’s Most Recent PETR Results Are In!

  HUD/FHA released the results of their Post-Endorsement Technical Reviews reflecting the status of these reviews as of March 1, 2016. A total of 6,148 PETRs were processed in the 4th Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 (July 1, 2015, thru Sept. 30, 2015) with the following results:   Conforming – 1,126 cases (or 18%) Deficient – 2,151 cases (or 35%)…

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Mortgage Compliance

TRID Delays: Headlines Can Be Deceiving

As we all well know, sometimes the headlines are written to grab our attention but the story reveals something a little different. Take the headline on this article appearing in last Tuesday’s MBA NEWSLINK; “Survey: Consumers Still Report Slower Closings, ‘Surprises’ Under TRID” (Survey). This headline would lead one to believe that closings are being delayed, and consumers are being…

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Mortgage Compliance

FHA’s Revised Loan Level Certification – What Lenders Need to Know

Yesterday, HUD has officially rolled out their revised 92900-A Form which will be effective for loan transactions that obtain their FHA case numbers on or after August 1, 2016 (Mortgagee Letter 2016-06). In comments accompanying this Mortgagee Letter, Ed Golding, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing, stated that “FHA is clearly identifying what lenders will be held accountable for –…

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