Mortgage Compliance

Need to Effectively Resolve Manufactured Housing Disputes?

Last month, the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced new tools in resolving disputes of Manufactured Housing units involving consumers, manufacturers, retailers, installers, and others. To help facilitate the dispute resolution process (which could involve very technical construction standards and safety issues), HUD’s Office of Manufactured Housing Programs has created a new website to help interested parties…

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Mortgage Compliance

The FHA Lending Challenge

As I’m sure if you’ve heard by now, many banks are shying away from FHA lending. As a direct result, independent, non-bank, mortgage lenders are seeing a windfall in these loans. The old “bad news; good news” scenario. Is this good news for independents? Banks fear the potential repercussions resulting from the certifications required by FHA when doing these FHA-insured…

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Mortgage Compliance

How Do You “Stack-Up” on VA Loans?

The Veterans Administration (VA) has a new mandatory “stacking order” for loan files selected by the VA for a full file loan review.  This new stacking order becomes effective for loan files selected for review on, or after, June 1, 2016. It is important to note that there are two separate stacking order documents that have been created by the…

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Mortgage Compliance

Be Careful What You Wish For

It may not be good grammar but it makes the point. When I travel, I often wonder who gets the flights that depart from gates 1, 2 or 3 at the airport. For some reason, it seems I always end up leaving from a gate at the very end of the terminal. Ironically, when returning from our recent LoanLogics Users…

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Mortgage Compliance

Attention FHA Lenders: Did You Miss HUD/FHA’s EAD Portal On-boarding Registration Deadline? If so – Read On!

On April 8, 2016, I had alerted lenders that there was an important government deadline quickly approaching and advised them not to miss this “last chance” opportunity. NO, I was not referring to the deadline established for filing Income Tax returns with the IRS.  Instead, I discussed HUD/FHA’s very last onboarding phase (which was held on April 15, 2016) for…

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