
MBA’s MAA – Does it Again!

Although it is said that actions speak louder than words, sometimes when the two come together it can have a powerful effect. Such is the case when it comes to the MBA’s Mortgage Action Alliance (MAA). This is a grass roots effort, supported by member firms and their employees, to help facilitate communication with our elected officials to promote industry…

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Mortgage Compliance

CHLA: “FHA…Cut Your Rate!”

More calls from the mortgage lending industry for FHA to reduce their annual mortgage insurance premiums. This one comes from the Community Home Lenders Association (CHLA) (MIP Cut). Who is the CHLA and why do they want another FHA premium cut? The CHLA is a national non-profit association of community-based mortgage lenders who, among other things, promote policies to help…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Possible FHA Premium Cut

It is nice, for a change, to get some good news about the housing and related markets. Here’s some. According to HUD Secretary, Julian Castro, the health of the FHA insurance fund has significantly improved over last year (FHA Fund). This is believed to partly be the result of the previous 50 basis point reduction in the annual mortgage insurance…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Fannie Keeps on Pushing the Envelope

Fannie Mae continues to make changes to their products, pricing and processes in attempts to help lenders provide financing to more home buyers and homeowners. They rolled out their 97% financing, eased some of their underwriting guidelines, modified reps and warrants and recently expanded their eligibility for high balance loans to better serve creditworthy borrowers in high cost areas.  What…

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Mortgage Compliance

A Kinder, Gentler FHA

FHA’s Office of Single Family Housing has issued a notice outlining their position on TRID enforcement. In recognizing the lender’s challenges in implementing the new rules, FHA will not include a technical TRID compliance audit when performing their regular quality control reviews (FHA Pass).This moratorium is set to expire on April 16, 2016. During this trial period, they expect lenders…

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