Mortgage Data and Doc Processing

An IDEA Who’s Time Has Come

Everyone is familiar with Ford’s advertising campaign – “Quality is Job 1.” Lenders learned since the crash of 2008 that in mortgage lending loan quality and compliance is as important as is product and pricing. A poor quality loan can be as costly as one that is priced incorrectly, sometimes more. Here are some questions to consider regarding the quality…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Things Are Looking Up for Housing

Lately, most of the reports concerning housing and mortgage lending have to do with the rise in mortgage rates since the election. Many believe that this may derail any potential housing recovery. It seems that prediction may be a little premature. One of the challenges facing housing is the shortage of homes for sale, especially at the affordable end. This…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

A Softer, Kinder DOJ

Here is some good news about the new administration.  The word on the street is that the Department of Justice is in the process of dismantling their multi-agency task force put in place to seek out potential legal actions against lenders under the False Claims Act. The reason being is that President-elect Trump will be nowhere near as aggressive in…

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‘Black Friday’ Roots in Philly

I hope your Thanksgiving Day is full of fun, family, and football. It’s all about tradition. Although there is some disagreement on the holiday, what is meant to represent and how it was first celebrated, it’s still a tradition of people getting together to share some food and good times. What can be better? The History of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving was…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Mortgage Lenders Doing Their Part for the Economy

Looking back, non-bank mortgage lenders increased hiring in September, adding 2200 full-time employees to their payrolls. That’s a big jump from the 900 additions in August.  These new employees were all part of an overall rise in September employment to 315,000 new jobs, the highest increase since 2008. Looks as though things may be looking up after all. Strange though…

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