Mortgage Compliance

Fannie Expands the Credit Box Again

Fannie Mae announced that they are expanding their DU credit box to accept/approve mortgage loans up to 50% total DTI (Debt to Income) ratio, as of July 29th. Some see this as a good thing. This means that Fannie will approve loans where the borrowers total recurring monthly debt payments, including the new mortgage payment, equal to 50% of their…

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Mortgage Compliance

ABA’s; Light at the end of the Tunnel

Looks as though you can fight City Hall! In what may become a landmark decision, Judge Charles R. Simpson III, of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of KY, ruled in favor of a small Louisville, KY, law firm against Richard Cordray, and the powerful Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The case reversed CFPB’s actions against Borders & Borders…

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