Mortgage Data and Doc Processing, Mortgage Loan Quality

Balancing the Mortgage Industry’s Labor Shift

The benefits of leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning in mortgage are expansive. We’ve discussed it in a number of LoanLogics blog posts throughout 2019. To summarize, they help today’s originators analyze large data sets, automate decisioning and eliminate a wide range of manual tasks. Perhaps most critical is how they can help originators streamline document processing to lower manufacturing…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Trick or Treat: Don’t Be Fooled by these AI and Machine Learning Urban Legends

A lot has been said about machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) regarding the sweet rewards they will bring to the mortgage industry but understanding the potential can be tricky to navigate. Before we get into dispelling the tricks or treats of some popular urban legends, here are a few quick definitions of AI and machine learning for context. AI…

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