In a recent blog post, one of our fellow LoanLogics associates discussed how the pandemic has changed the way we do business with one another these days. One big change of course has been the transition from in person conferences and events to virtual ones.
Spring and Fall are traditionally the two big tradeshow seasons. Back in the Spring, many conferences didn’t have an opportunity to go virtual on such short notice and were instead cancelled or held virtually on a much smaller scale. But we’ve learning a lot in a short span of time about virtualizing, which makes the potential of the upcoming fall tradeshow season even more promising.
Now more than ever, the industry needs to understand the strategies and tools available to them to help drive greater success in the weeks and months ahead.

What conferences will you find LoanLogics participating in this fall showcasing our document processing and audit technology solutions?
Well, to kick things off we recently participated in HousingWire’s July Virtual Tech Demo Day where we did a live demo of our cloud-native doc processing digital assistant, LoanLogics® IDEA OnDemand. You can watch a replay of that here.
On August 12th we have a LoanLogics hosted webinar planned for 2:00PM EST which will cover the doc processing challenges present in loan production and the technology you need to help overcome them. Be sure to register for your spot!
We’re also participating in the Mortgage Innovators Conference, August 17-18. LoanLogics will have a virtual booth and is on the agenda for an 8-minute demo that will be aired at 11:30 PT on the first day. Registration is free to Lenders. Pop into Booth 9 during those two days and talk with our booth staff.
The MBA is also going virtual this fall with their lineup of events. LoanLogics has long time participated in both RMQA and Annual. We’ll be marketing our calendars for both of those this year. Stay tuned for more detail regarding how to engage with us during those events.
Of course, The Mortgage Collaborative (TMC) always hosts “not to miss” events. This year’s virtual one will be no different. We’re anxiously awaiting their announcement of what their fall conference program will look like. We previously presented a webinar to this organization on the fighting the loan quality challenges that arose during the pandemic that can be found on the TMC’s channel.
Come connect with us at any of these events and let’s meet virtually. Or, feel free to reach out and request more information directly on our website. We also have a bunch of great educational content like infographics, on demand webinars, white papers and more for you to view in our Resource Library at any time!