Mortgage Compliance

Are Reverifications Required Under D1C?

It seems like a simple question. According to Fannie Mae Quality Control guidelines, a lender need not reverify or recalculate, as applicable, information that is validated by Fannie’s Desktop Underwriter (DU), under their Day 1 Certainty Program. This includes the qualifying information for employment, income, and assets for each borrower. When a lender receives the validation of data from DU,…

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Risk of Fraud Increased Before Equifax Hack

Fraud risk increased in the second quarter of 2017; before the reports of the Equifax PII security breach. The national fraud risk index came in at 132.6 as compared to 131.5 for the first quarter of 2017, with a big jump up from the same quarter last year, which was 113.4. Somewhere around 13,400 mortgage applications, or about 0.8%, submitted…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Let’s Talk a Little About Refis, Again

With things a little slow in the mortgage world, the conversation again comes around to refinances. Rates have increased slightly and according to those “in the know,” they should continue to rise. With the rise in mortgage rates, smart money says refinances will decline (again). But, we have heard that before and refi’s seem to be hanging around. Maybe this…

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Mortgage Industry Trends

Can Consumer’s Info Really Be Protected?

Every day we hear or read about another security breach with volumes of consumer’s private information being acquired by some unscrupulous people. Most recently it was Equifax, a major repository of consumer credit and personal data. Who might be next? Now, all the pundits and politicians saying something needs to be done to protect the consumer. More good intentions… Senator…

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